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We love to bring
our digital services
to new industries.
Yes, we are freaks.
Techno freaks.
Almost like Techno Viking. Ok, nobody
is like Techno Viking.
Zoran hates us,
we think. But we
like to travel. Our dear friend walked to Camino de Santiago.
We didn’t.
She’s amazing.
Good design is like a refrigerator—when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks.
R2D2. If you are here
just because of the
Star Wars, you are at
the wrong place.
We just wanted to check if you understand
No, it is not about
airplanes, sorry.
The puzzle remains unsolved. Is it one sport, or three?
Or three sports in one? We don’t care.
We are models.
Role models to our children.
And wives.
You might think we look good.
For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.
Pandemic, earthquakes,
politicians… you continue
the sequence.
We are kidding. Not.
Nomen est omen.
To us it's a sign of how long and inspiring our journey was and still is. And hopefully will be. Multiply nulaosam by two and there you have it – 16 years full of … life. We don’t like the slogan, but we like the fact that we are still here… serving our clients on a top level, accepting challenges, falling down, getting up, turning Christmas Fm in October, smashing tables, laughing to stupid jokes that no one understands…
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